Saturday, September 29, 2007

Crockpot Bruchetta-Feta Chicken

This is a recipe that I made up, it was semi inspired by salsa chicken in a crockpot. This comes out so moist! I ended up using chicken tenders and it came out fine too. I also started using crockpot liners which are a godsend!

Crockpot Bruchetta-Feta Chicken

2 boneless skinless chicken breasts
approx 2 C prepared Bruchetta (I used Costco's Hannah Brand)
A couple of glugs of white wine
Sliced feta cheese ( slice as thin as you can from the block of feta) enough to cover the top of the bruchetta.

Place chicken in bottom of crock and season with a little salt and pepper. Spoon bruchetta topping over chicken, using enough to cover it. Pour a couple of glugs of white wine (or approx 1/2 c) over it and cook on high for 3 hours. A half hour before the dish is done, place sliced feta on top of bruchetta and continue cooking. The bruchetta makes a great sauce with the wine and oil, etc. This would be great over pasta.

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