Ok, so fajitas are not that hard to cook, but how to make them even easier, and cook while you take a bath? Cook them in the oven! These were absolutely delicious and easy and the chicken very tender. I am going to let you in on a little secret.....when you cook chicken breast in the pan or oven, coat it in a little cornstarch and then toss in oil. It will be the moistest chicken....yes I just made that a word lol. This recipe can easily be doubled or tripled. I did not include measurements for the seasonings bc I literally just sprinkled them over the chicken. My rule of thumb for seasoning raw meat is season until it smells good :) Trust yourself! This is how you become a cook....you learn to go with your gut.
Oven Chicken Fajitas

1 lb chicken breast, cut into strips (sometimes you can find this at the grocery store to make life easier)
1 green pepper, cut into strips
1 yellow pepper, cut into strips
1 orange pepper, cut into strips
1 Jalepeno (optional), sliced thin
1 medium sweet onion, sliced thin
Olive oil (probably about a 1/2 cup total
2 tsp cornstarch
the following seasonings I just sprinkled each evenly over the chicken after coating it w cornstarch and a little olive oil:
garlic powder
sea salt
chili powder
mexican seasoning (McCormick)
Cayenne (optional, but recommeded)
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. I use non stick foil to line a 9 X 13 in baking dish....arrange the peppers and onions in dish and drizzle olive oil over until evenly covered....will probably be just over 1/4 cup. Sorry I did not measure anything....this is your opportunity to flex your cooking muscles. in a bowl coat chicken strips with cornstarch and toss. Drizzle a couple TBSP olive oil over chicken and toss again. sprinkle seasonings over chicken and toss one more time. Arrange chicken over veggies in baking dish and bake at 400 for approx 25-30 min until peppers are wilted and chicken is no longer pink inside. You can either heat up flour tortillas and have fixings such as grated cheese, sour cream, guacamole, salsa.....or you can serve over rice. Enjoy!!!!!